Environmental Control Board (ECB) Violation Removal

The ECB (Environmental Control Board) provides hearings on notices of violations issued by City agencies such as DOB, DOT, DEP, DSNY, and FDNY. These cases are then handled at the OATH (Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings) which is an independent tribunal that hears ECB cases as well as cases by other city departments.

Some ECB violations that are issued by DEP are for failure to install a backflow prevention device or failure to submit an annual testing report. FDNY can also issue ECB violations such as for non-compliance with Fire Protection requirements such as not having proper sprinkler coverage. Another ECB violation FDNY can issue is for non-compliance with Central Station monitoring and/or Fire Alarm requirements. If owner does nothing in response to the violation ECB can issue a follow up violation that can lead to the City taking money or property to pay the fine.

To avoid any potential additional fines give us a call to discuss your violation and determine how we can assist you.

Call Us Today For ECB Violation Removal – 718-352-5900